The awards program for grades 9-11 was held in the school gym. A-B and straight A honor students were recognized along with District/State Literary and Drama Rally winners. The Varsity Quiz Bowl Team was commended on their recent 1st place district competition, and Emily Tromblay was applauded for her perfect attendance! "Highest Average Awards" were given for individual subject areas to: Reid LaBruyere, English IV Honors; Ethan Warren, Anatomy & Physiology Honors and U.S. History Honors; Sarah Dupre, Pre-Calculus Honors and Chemistry Honors; Adrienne Allen, English III Accelerated and Civics; Molly Trahan, Algebra II Accelerated and French II; Justin Helton, Chemistry; Alex Marks, Theology III; David Schroeder, Desk Top Publishing; Mallory Little, English III and Algebra II; Morgan Charles, Biology I and Geometry; Madeleine Braham, Theology II; Ann Marie Bihm and Savannah Hidalgo, Creative Writing; Natalie Marks, French II and English II; Alex Lanclos, ACT Prep; Madeline Aymond, English II Accelerated; Katlyn Stelly, French I; Emily Briley, Algebra I; Noah LaBruyere, Geometry Accelerated, French I, Physical Science, Theology I, and World Geography. OCS congratulates and commends these students for working diligently to better themselves by giving their best at all times!