Our first-ever "Founders' Day" was wonderful ... from the mass with honorees and special guest speakers to the fun activities throughout the day to the ending "Living Rosary" in the gym! Thank you to everyone who was involved in the planning with special gratitude to Mrs. Heintz, Coach Braham and the ministry team! The preschoolers were precious in the mass procession dressed as nuns and brothers and making their presentation! We were honored to have speakers share their memories of the Marianites, Sisters of the Holy Family, and Christian Brothers (Mr. Martin Roy, AIC '44; Mrs. Betty Wolfe, "48; Deacon Jerome Collins, '57; and Fred Credeur, AIC '66) along with Sister Kay Kinberger, Marianite. The day was filled with lots of great activities, such as fun jumps, train rides, faculty/student basketball and volleyball games, face painting, relay races, color run obstacle course, tug of war competition, a "pie in the face" activity, and more! Our very own DJ (Mr. Adrion Guidry) and his music had students line dancing! The day ended with a pep rally and class chants ... and then the Rosary of the 7 Dolours. What a day! We are blessed with such a rich history! Thank you Marianites of Holy Cross, Sisters of the Holy Family, and Christian Brothers!