The high school and junior high departments held their annual Induction/Installation ceremonies on Friday in the gym. Recognized were new members for Senior and Junior Beta Clubs, National Honor Society, and Senate. Officers were also installed, including Senior Beta President Savannah Hidalgo; Vice President Ann Marie Bihm; Secretary Faith Mayfield; and Treasurer Blaire Sonnier; and Junior Beta officers were President Rhett Bergeron; Vice President Brailey Major; Secretary Jace Sloane; and Treasurer Eli Guidroz; and new NHS officers included President Emily Tromblay; Vice President Sarah Dupre; Secretary Lauren Miller; and Treasurer Mallory Little; and Senate officers for 2017-2018 were President Lauren Miller; Vice President Savannah Hidalgo; Secretary Bethany Guidry; Historian Sydni Johnson; and Treasurer Faith Mayfield. Noted as well in the Senate were Ann Marie Bihm, Student Body President; and upcoming class presidents Bethany Guidry, 12th grade; Marsha Savage, 11th grade; Ronald Riggs, 10th grade; and Olivia Hebert, 9th grade. May God bless these students for their academic success and for taking on leadership roles!