Opelousas Catholic School took a different approach than many other schools in Acadiana today.
Instead of a walkout, they held seventeen minutes of prayer for each victim of the Parkland, Florida shooting. Students, faculty and parents prayed the rosary and lit candles for each of the Parkland shooting victims during an assembly at Opelousas Catholic School.
Those gestures students say are just as effective as a walkout.
"It really just made it more real. It allows us to know that things like this can happen, and kids our age it happens to," said senior Blaire Sonnier
AnnMarie Bihm helped lead Wednesday's ceremony. At the end, she lit one candle in honor of victims of all forms of violence.
"It was a huge honor honestly. It was great to just have such a simple effect but it meant so much. It let me be a part of something much greater than I was as a single human being. It was for everyone out there who needs help," explained senior, AnnMarie Bihm
Local law enforcement sat front and center to show solidarity with the students.
Opelousas Police Chief Donald Thompson was one of them. He says more regulation is needed to prevent more shootings like the one in Parkland, FL.
"A kid buying an assault rifle under the age of 21? No, we need to change that! As well as doing a more thorough background check no matter what your age when you're purchasing a gun," said Chief Thompson
Students and teachers at the school say violence must be fought on both a tangible and spiritual level.
"We can do a lot more through prayer than just going over there and bringing a donation and being there for them. So, it's a way of solidarity showing them you know what you're way over there and we're over here. But we're with you, we're with you," said Campus Ministry Director, John Braham
"Instead of just saying our thoughts and prayers, we're actually taking our time as a school to come together and really think about these people as people that lost their lives," said senior Justin Helton